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“How to Find Friend Requests” by Alan25main

January 21, 2021

1 Comment(s)

Looking to make friends on the site and become a part of Replay Poker’s community? Are requests getting lost in your notification menu? Alan25main shares a surefire way to find any missing pals.

In recent days, I’ve had a recurring experience. I saw someone I had invited as a friend two or three years ago. I asked if they ever checked for Friend Requests. They said, no, they didn’t know how and that they expected they’d be notified somehow on their profile page.

A lot of players never explore the site beyond what they need to play at the tables. Some never visit or read the forums. Or the blog. Or, even Facebook (I’m guilty of this one, myself, he says hanging his head shamefaced).

I know this information has been posted in the forums, though it was quite a while ago. I don’t remember when or what category it was in. I’m pretty sure it’s been mentioned on the Facebook page, but don’t remember when. I don’t think it’s ever been mentioned at the blog.

Folks, that’s not the way it works. IF you have email notifications turned on AND have Replay Poker connected to that email address, a notification will be sent to your email, not to your main profile page. Looking at your profile will not give you any visual clue about others inviting you.

Your home page will notify you if someone you have invited accepts your invitation (that symbol next to your chip count that looks like an elephant with four ears is “Notifications”), but it’s easy to miss requests here if there is no red indicator.

So, how do you reliably check for requests? From your profile page, click your avatar (image). The eighth line down, the first line in the second box of options is “Friends.” Click it.

It will pop up an alphabetical list of all your current friends. At the upper left of that page are two words: Friends and Requests. Click Requests. You may be surprised to see what’s in there, if you’ve been at Replay for a while. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone discovers fifty or a hundred invitations; we have some friendly players here. It’s mostly a very nice group.

Yes, of course you can “decline” to accept, or even remove an existing friend if they turn out to be trouble. So, you aren’t stuck with them forever. 

The first guy I asked found he had more than 30 requests pending, some of them for more than three years. The other guy had only been pending for a few months and didn’t mention how many he found waiting for him.

This isn’t secret knowledge, it’s simply not obvious or intuitive. You have to go looking for it. It pays to explore, I guess. Who knows what other great things you can find?